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South Bay Elementary and Charter School

March 9th newsletter

Posted Date: 3/10/25 (1:00 AM)

Pine Hill & South Bay Weekly Newsletter
March 9, 2025
Conferences this Week- Early out all week!
Parent Teacher Conferences
Don't forget to sign up for parent teacher conferences. This is a great opportunity to have some one on one time with your child's teacher. 3/10-3/14. Watch for an invite from your child's teacher in Parent Square.
Spring Ahead today, set your clocks an hour ahead!
Important Upcoming Dates:
  • SB Jr. High Attending History Day!
  • Mon-Fri 10-14th- Parent Teacher Conferences
  • Wed. Mar. 12th- Board Mtg, 6pm SB room 15
  • Mar. 17-21- SB Spring Bookfair
  • Mar. 21st- SB Lunch on the Quad
  • Mar. 21st- SB Jr. High Dance
  • Mar. 25th- PTSA Carnival Planning, 6pm SB room 15
  • Mar. 28th-PH Lunch on the Lawn
Important Dates
Ready Tech Go!
Is your child asking for their own device? Do they want more freedom online? How will you know if they are ready?
Join the South Bay / Pine Hill PTSA for a FREE PTA Connected: Ready, Tech, Go! workshop on Friday, March 21, 2025 from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. at Pine Hill Elementary. Dinner and childcare will be provided!
Register to save your place:

During this educational event, parents and caregivers will:

  • Reflect on various aspects of screen readiness.
  • Become familiar with tools and resources that help families determine screen readiness and discuss digital life.
  • Gain new ideas to promote a healthy digital home.
Questions? Contact the PTSA at
Volunteers Needed for SB Bookfair
South Bay will be having their annual Spring Book Fair March 17-21 and would like some parent volunteers to help during recess times. If you are interested and available please contact the office and ask for Allison Bronkall, our librarian. Thank you for supporting our students and their love or reading (and fancy erasers)!
bookfair photo
South Bay Spring Scholastic Book Fair
Get ready—the Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school! This is a great opportunity to connect with your child over the thrill of bringing home new books to dive into again and again. Studies show that kids read more when they choose books for themselves.
Here’s everything you need to know about the Book Fair:
Dates: March 17-21
Location: South Bay Schools’ Library
Family Event: Open during Lunch on the Quad on Friday, March 21!
There’s even more info on our school’s Book Fair homepage:
While you’re there, set up a Book Fair eWallet, the digital payment account that allows your child to shop for books at the Fair without cash. Then share your eWallet link so friends and extended family can add funds.
You can also shop online from the website from March 17 through March 30. Every online purchase is 25% off and also directly benefits our school!

Hope to see you there!
Allison Bronkall
South Bay Explore Students created a Little Free Library! Swing by the picnic tables to check it out
South Bay little free library
Undocumented Students and Families: The Facts
This fact sheet has helpful information regarding Student, Staff and Parents Rights.
Parent Support Group
Parent Support Group meets every Friday 8:30-9:30 AM at the Pine Hill FRC. For more information email Cassie at CLEHUE@SOUTHBAYUSD.ORG
parent support group
Order PH or SB Swag
We have changed and updated our school swag for this school year. Items can be purchased in our online store and will be shipped directly to your home. You can choose your favorite shirt, sweatshirt, hat, bag or other apparel and then chose from Pine Hill or South Bay logos to add to i. Check out your options at
Register your child for school in TK-6 using our new online enrollment link!
School Registration Time for New Students in 2025-2026
Register your child for school in TK-6 using our new online enrollment link!

This is also the time to let us know if you would like to attend our Jr. high for 7th grade. If you know other 6th graders looking for a great option for Jr. High have them call the school!
Lunch on the Lawn
Lunch on the Lawn & Quad
This year we will continue our tradition of having Lunch on the Lawn at Pine Hill on the 4th Friday of the month. Lunch on the Quad at South Bay will be the 3rd Friday of the month. Be sure to mark your calendars now and watch for reminders in our newsletters!
Family Resource Center
If you need additional support to start your school year off right the FRC is here to help! call 707-445-5933, or stop by either campus.
The FRC is able to help with:
  • school supplies and clothing
  • Friday Food Bag slots are currently open
  • Diapers sizes 1-5 are available
  • Preschool playgroup starting soon
Family Resource Center
cafeteria food on tray
SBUSD food services
South Bay Union School District is proud to offer breakfast, recess snacks and lunch for free for all students at Pine Hill and South Bay schools! Breakfast is provided before school in both cafeterias, snacks offered at recess and lunch during scheduled lunch times. Please be sure to check the menu to know what will be served during the week.
School Menu
SBUSD Website